Московская шерстопрядильная фабрика

Dear Ladies and Sirs!
The Moscow spinning factory is in Central of Moscow with convenient transportation and prosperous economy.
The Moscow spinning factory is the largest manufacturer of a yarn for hand and machine knitting in Russia.
The factory produces huge guantity of kinds of a yarn, tremendous colour scale.
The workmanship by nothing concedes to the most expensive foreign marks.
The factory will carry out constant development of new assortment, high-guantity raw material allow
to offer you the best Russian yarn.
The basic kinds of a yarn which we make :
Yarn woolen, semiwool, acrylic, cotton, viscose, linen, yarn with angora, alpaca etc.


Name of company
Contact (name and family)

Russia, Moscow, Malaya Semenovskaya,St. 28 phone: +7-495-748-37-99, 963-29-42/44/46 fax: +7-495-963-29-53, E-mail: msf@msf.ru